Clinical Services

Welcome to Mille Fleurs Clinic, where your health is our priority. At our doctor’s office, we have a dedicated GP who is committed to providing comprehensive and personalised healthcare services. From routine check-ups to specialised care, we offer a range of services designed to keep you and your family in optimal health. With a focus on preventative care and individualised treatment plans, we strive to ensure your well-being is at the forefront of our practice. Explore our services below and schedule your appointment today for exceptional healthcare tailored just for you.

Our popular services include:

General Check-ups

Regular health assessments to monitor and maintain overall well-being.

Preventative Care

Vaccinations, screenings, and lifestyle guidance for proactive health management.

Chronic Disease Management

Specialised care for conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and more.

Women's Health:

Comprehensive gynaecological exams, family planning, and women's wellness services.

Men's Health

Prostate screenings, testosterone management, and tailored wellness plans.

Paediatric Care

Expert care for the little family members, from vaccinations to developmental assessments.

Geriatric Care

Specialised attention for our senior patients, focusing on ageing well and maintaining vitality.

At Mille Fleurs Clinic, we’re not just a general practice; we’re your healthcare partners, committed to keeping you and your family healthy and thriving. 

Schedule your appointment today and experience compassionate, expert care.

book Your Seat Now for your desired service by paying An initial Deposit

Rest of the payment will be adjusted on site on the day of your appointment

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